Real-time Visual Translation Dubbing
Bridge the Language Barrier™ by joining SpokeTek on the ground floor of our mission to empower all single-language speakers to experience multilingual content and conversations, both virtual and in-person, as their very own interpreter in real-time through our Digital Twinterpreters™ : AI interpreters powered by our M-LAR™ (Multilingual Augmented Reality) filter for our videoconferencing feature on our social networking app, and as an extension w/plugin API for B2B licensing, that look like you and conversely, your monolingual speaking partner or live streamer, except for the visemes, or mouth movements, which sync up with translated captions and audible interpretations. Become your own interpreter automatically!
Join the Waitlist
We Think It's Time You Spoke with The World™! And we look forward to evolving the global narrative of multilingual experiences towards inclusion for all monolinguals with you! You're playing an integral part in our mission by signing up for our waitlist today. Thank you!